At VMRA it is in our culture to maximize system value and bring the highest level of manufacturing quality to our customer's facilities. So when there is an opportunity to save on the costs to becoming a more efficient manufacturer, we like to share it.

Many energy efficiency upgrades are easy to justify on cost and effectiveness, but who wouldn't like an additional boost to the ROI on the project? Whether you're seeking ways to meet corporate sustainability goals, optimize use of expensive resources or reduce energy costs, there is an additional incentive available from Wisconsin's Focus On Energy to help justify your project.

The program assists in efficiency upgrades that help companies and individuals run greener and more efficiently. A few upgrades include:

To have a look at other Focus On Energy programs tailored to small businesses, agriculture, or even housing click here. We chose to focus on our home state, if you're outside of Wisconsin, take a look at what is available in your state.