Robot arm moving boxes

From the dawn of automation centuries ago to the present day, automation has been known to get a bad rap. But why? Are these unsavory notions based on reality, or are they misconceptions? We are here to demystify automation misunderstandings, put the bad thoughts to rest, and show how robotics and automation benefit our economy.

Take a look at these common myths and see for yourself how robotics and automation help the world’s industries succeed.

Common myth: Automation steals jobs from people.

A beautiful thing about automation is that it does the work people don't want to do. We like to call it the 3 Ds – dirty, dangerous, and dull tasks are completed with robotics and automation without fuss, mistakes, or regular bathroom breaks. Employees can then focus on jobs that bring them satisfaction.

Common myth: Unemployment will skyrocket because of automation.

The fact of the matter is it has been tough to fill labor-intensive roles at companies. Finding qualified workers has never been more challenging, and robotics and automation help complete tasks. And for the automation win: New jobs in industries related to designing, maintaining, and improving automation technologies are being created.

Common myth: Only a few industries benefit from automation.

Actually, automation is found in many different industries, accomplishing very different things. Manufacturing, food and beverage, warehousing, healthcare, automotive, aerospace, construction, telecommunications, and even banking and finance use automation to increase efficiency and productivity while bringing costs down.

Common myth: Human skills are longer needed.

We've never met a robot with emotional intelligence or mad creative skills. Automation handles routine tasks and allows people to work on things only humans can do, like critical thinking and relationship building. Automation gives workers the time and opportunity to use their brains.

Common myth: Automation will squash small businesses.

Any size business can leverage automation for all kinds of tasks. If you want your organization to be more productive, reduce overhead, and use human workers to the best of their abilities, incorporating automation in some capacity can be quite beneficial.

Now that we've shelved some automation concerns, let's see how it benefits our economy.

  • Benefit: Innovation. Thanks to automation, innovation abounds as new technologies and processes are constantly being created and updated, allowing successful ideas to create new value and often new job opportunities.
  • Benefit: Cutting costs. Streamlined automated processes allow for 24/7 operations, faster production times, flexibility to quickly adapt to changing workloads, and reduced labor and operational costs. These benefits can make products more affordable to consumers and allow companies to invest in growth and development.
  • Benefit: Global market presence. What happens when countries produce top-notch products consistently and efficiently due to automated processes? The world notices, and they take a few steps up the global market trailblazer ladder.
  • Benefit: Honing talents. With automation comes the opportunity to develop our workforce's skills. Proficiencies like programming and problem-solving go hand-in-hand with the evolving technology that automation relies on.
  • Benefit: Safer surroundings. Robots don't get hurt and need time off from work to recover while racking up thousands in medical bills. Automation performs precarious jobs, lessening workplace injuries while making the job site safer.

Myths can be thought-provoking but misguided. Like eating carrots improves your eyesight, or lightning never strikes the same place twice. How about bulls are enraged by the color red, or humans swallow an average of eight spiders a year while sleeping. While none of those are true (thank goodness for the spider one), people have been known to believe them as fact. Just like people have their beliefs on how robotics and automation impact society. But the good news is automation makes the world a better place and has a positive impact on humankind.